On October 15, 2022, the Stake Relief Society held its annual Women's Conference. This year's theme was Loving Hearts, Willing Hands. Sisters gathered to listen to inspiring stories of service, learn how to register for and use JustServe, and hear about the many charities that members of our stake have supported over the past year. Over the course of the morning, sisters tied more than 90 fleece blankets to be donated to Kaw Valley Center through My Very Own Blanket.
Sister Mallory Isom of the Hickory Hills Ward shared the origins of her charity, Bundles for Babies, and how serving others helped her through a time of deep grief. Sister Stephanie Cooper of the Mill Creek Ward told the story of the Children's Bag Project, which has been faithfully carried on by members of our stake for decades. They currently provide approximately handmade 70 bags per month to organizations that service children in foster care. Over the course of the project, Sister Cooper estimates that they have made more than 20,000 bags.
Several sisters shared their experiences volunteering or otherwise serving with KC for Refugees, Children's Mercy, Heart to Heart, Cross-Lines Community Outreach, A Gathering of Friends, Johnson County Christmas Bureau, Kitchen Restore, City Union Mission, and Red Bags KC.
Members of the stake supported many other non-profit organizations this year as well, including Amethyst Place, Care Beyond the Boulevard, Catholic Charities, Community Blood Center, Deanna Rose Farmstead, Mission Southside, American Red Cross, Rended Heart, Renewed Hope Food Pantry, Rose Brooks, Safe Home, Stream Clean, and Vaughn Trent Community Services.
