On September 21, 2022, around 140 youth gathered at the stake center for a night of service. The youth participated in FIVE different service projects, three of which were from JustServe. Members throughout the stake donated supplies to make these service projects possible. The Youth made fleece blankets for children and youth in foster care to be donated to a local organization through My Very Own Blanket. They assembled Happy Kits for Children's Mercy Hospital. The youth individually wrapped treats and wrote notes for distribution with meals to those in need by One Good Meal. In addition, the youth helped make bags for those in foster care through "The Bag Project," a longstanding service project in our stake currently led by Stephanie Cooper. And finally, the youth participated in Indexing. It was an incredible night -- full of love and service -- and a wonderful way for the youth of our stake to participate in the 9/11 National Day of Service.
